Thursday, January 24, 2008

MART590E Game

So yeah, we have to do this play a game every week and right a long blog about it eh. Well I thought I'd give it a try and so I downloaded Badminton on the NES, need I say more? After playing for 20 minutes I had yet to score one single point on it. Out of every game on the NES who would o thought Badminton would be my downfall. Why couldn't it be like a classical bad game like Batman or something. I digress, but let's explain where I went wrong in Badminton.

Badminton is simple enough in it instruction, hit the birdie over the net before it hits the ground and you an not hit it twice before ti goes over the net. Very similar to Tennis except this one can't bounce. The video game had two mechanics. The first being a button to hit the ball, and the second being a button to jump. the hitting it very awkward because of the side to side view the game displaces. it's easy to line up with the birdie but hard to be in the EXACT spot to hit it, and if you are not in the EXACT spot it falls sadly onto the ground like ol' yeller. I was like ok, I will just be around the net and jump and smash it. Silly me assumed the jump button would also hit the birdie if it was near. After like 20 attempts of jumping for it I hit the swing button after the jump and boom I hit the birdie. Unfortunately it was not the slam I was hoping for and it was returned over my head. This did now sway my confidence in getting just 1 point. I mean after playing for 10 minutes and not getting a single point in a game that appeared to be designed by Satan to drive kids into suicide, I was about to flip out. I can somehow get all the gold stars in Starfox 64, but get a point in Badminton was impossible. After losing like 6 straight on what I assumed was the only difficulty level I decided to quit.

What did I learn from badminton? DON'T PLAY BADMINTON!!!! Simple as that really. If you see it on a website and you think, "I like playing real badminton, how bad can this be?" The answer is a resounding, HORRIBLE!~! On a serious note, I realize why there was no other Badminton games ever made, and it's because it wasn't meant to be this frustrating for such a lay back pastime must causal badminton players are used too. With his I leave you with a good day Sir!

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