Thursday, February 21, 2008

Ninja Turtles Fighting Game, MART590E Game 5

This game was pretty fun but it was an obvious Street Fighter clone in TNMT costume. The game was not balanced as far as characters go, but any character could still win if you could find there "broken" move. "Broken" moves are moves that are overpowered and doing it over and over can result in little talent to win easily. Most fighting games has a character with this ability, but it seemed every character in this game had one. Also I felt tosses did too much dmg, and were too random.

I played a couple of rounds of this game against different people in the "Kings of teh Internet" group while we were "researching". In the end we decided that this game was a nice look for a game and was very fun but simple, everything we hoped our game to be. We just hope to make it more updated with internet character costumes on it. We even pitched a joke idea to make it work on the SNES. This game was awesome and I'd recommend it to anyone.

MART590E Game 4, The Zoo Race

After reading my friend's blog about a game known as "The Zoo Race" I decided that I too must try it. From what he said there was a pig with a hat in it, it had me at Hello. The game overall really scared me in a way I hadn't been for years. Not because it was scary, but because the voice of God was just spooky and controlling. He never told you if you were going the wrong way, guess that is one of God's traits. Ok, I broke my PC for this post so let me try to be a good boy. The game itself was very laggy and I never knew what position I was in or where the other animals I was try to beat was. I always got lost in stages that make little sense, but I did enjoy breaking the stain-glass pictures of God while doing so. I played it about 3-4 times before deciding that the lag out way the coolness of running around as a pig with a hat on it's head.

An extra note is that this should of been the game I did last week but had to take my mom to the hospital so I put school and life on hold for a bit to take care of her.

Monday, February 11, 2008

MART 590E Game #3 Tecmo Baseball

So, I decided t do Tecmo Baseball for the NES as my special game of the week. I enjoyed there Tecmo Bowl and hoped that they could do something similar for Baseball. Unfornuately they did not. I meet a baseball game who's only advantage over the first baseball for the NES was moving your players and slightly better graphics, but in the end I think that these advantages did not make it a better game.

The main problem with the game is there was no way to tell where the ball was going to land, this often ended upith making bad fielding decisions and overall making it hard to win. I played through a game, taking about 15 minutes for all 9 innings, but I felt cheated by the ball always seeming just out of reach. I just couldn't ever geta grip on the controls either and never could advance bases properly, making it harder to score the runs I wasn't scoring. I cant' come up with any whity remarks for this game, it was just aother NES baseball game and it was good for te time but far fro what you expect from a bseball game today. This is Darton signing off til the next game.

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Magic Johnson's Fast Break MART590 #2

I was looking for a random rom to add to my collection of roms (mostly different versions of tecmo bowl with some kind of hack to make to uber), and that is when I came across this thing holding the name of AIDS legend himself, Magic Johnson! I was like sure, Magic Johnson couldn't possibly make ANOTHER mistake.

Soon after playing the game I realized that this was a two on two game due probably to processing power of early Nintendo, and the shooting controls was nothing like you expect. Appearently releasing the ball on the way up in your jump, not at the top was the best way to shoot back then. After quickly trailing by 12 points due to the fact that the other team steals more then OJ Simpson. I decided to just shot 3s fo the rest of the game. This is my normal tactic when it comes to all basketball games, as my friends can conform this from many sessions of NBA Live. At first this didn't work cause of me thinking at the top of the jump was the best. As I missed shots and the other team continuously stealing the ball I got down by 18 points.

That when I, Darton decided that enough was enough. I soon starting raining 3s like I was a tropical storm. I was coming back until they continued to steal my inbounds pass and score easy 2s. Then I thought, how about I run my inbound player somewhere the other person wouldn't go, and then BOOM, I was coming back! I kept stealing there ball and shooting 3s, I almost could do it without my eyes open at this point. I felt like singing don't stop me now! Soon I had tied the game going into the 3rd Quarter. A funny note about the game is everytime you hit a 3 pointer, they have Magic Johnson's head pop up on the screen telling you good job. Into the last quarter I went with Magic Johnson almost worshipping me, the god of the new world... of basketball. At the end I had won by about 8 points or so and thought I had enough of this game. I think I should mention I was on the easiest mode, and that it lives up to the NES games of being impossible at some points, even if it's the easiest it can get.

Next Week will be a new game and probably another realization of how much the NES should of destroyed the gaming industry through difficulty. Until then, keep having fun!

Thursday, January 24, 2008

MART590E Game

So yeah, we have to do this play a game every week and right a long blog about it eh. Well I thought I'd give it a try and so I downloaded Badminton on the NES, need I say more? After playing for 20 minutes I had yet to score one single point on it. Out of every game on the NES who would o thought Badminton would be my downfall. Why couldn't it be like a classical bad game like Batman or something. I digress, but let's explain where I went wrong in Badminton.

Badminton is simple enough in it instruction, hit the birdie over the net before it hits the ground and you an not hit it twice before ti goes over the net. Very similar to Tennis except this one can't bounce. The video game had two mechanics. The first being a button to hit the ball, and the second being a button to jump. the hitting it very awkward because of the side to side view the game displaces. it's easy to line up with the birdie but hard to be in the EXACT spot to hit it, and if you are not in the EXACT spot it falls sadly onto the ground like ol' yeller. I was like ok, I will just be around the net and jump and smash it. Silly me assumed the jump button would also hit the birdie if it was near. After like 20 attempts of jumping for it I hit the swing button after the jump and boom I hit the birdie. Unfortunately it was not the slam I was hoping for and it was returned over my head. This did now sway my confidence in getting just 1 point. I mean after playing for 10 minutes and not getting a single point in a game that appeared to be designed by Satan to drive kids into suicide, I was about to flip out. I can somehow get all the gold stars in Starfox 64, but get a point in Badminton was impossible. After losing like 6 straight on what I assumed was the only difficulty level I decided to quit.

What did I learn from badminton? DON'T PLAY BADMINTON!!!! Simple as that really. If you see it on a website and you think, "I like playing real badminton, how bad can this be?" The answer is a resounding, HORRIBLE!~! On a serious note, I realize why there was no other Badminton games ever made, and it's because it wasn't meant to be this frustrating for such a lay back pastime must causal badminton players are used too. With his I leave you with a good day Sir!